Crystal Divination
Agate - Banded/Zebra: One small step at a time can make your dreams come true.
Agate - Blue Lace: If you speak the truth and let your inner feelings be known, the response will be favorable.
Agate - Green Moss: This is a time for patience and you should let matters develop in their own time.
Agate - Red: Drawing red agate indicates that this is a good time to speak your mind or act decisively.
Agate - Tree: If tree agate is drawn you should go back to the root of the problem. For it is there that you will find the answer. It can also mean it is a good time for strengthening family ties.
Alexandrite: Alexandrite is not used for divination.
Amazonite: Stand up for what you think is important, especially if prejudice or injustice is a factor. You may need to assume the position of leader.
Amber: This is a time to decide exactly what it is that you want. If prosperity is a factor at this time, it means that your efforts may at last be rewarded.
Amethyst: Amethyst indicates that you need to take a break until your energy starts to flow freely again.
Ametrine: Trust your intuition. You may also find yourself in the position of mediator.
Angelite: You may be called upon to act as a peacemaker between people who are gossiping or backstabbing.
Apache Tear: Do not be afraid to use your power and change the status quo.
Apatite: Drawing apatite means you should not be afraid to ask for help from those around you.
Apophyllite: Make long term plans and commitments. Do not be attracted by the lure of short term returns.
Aqua Aura: Aqua aura indicates that you are evolving spiritually and that you may need more personal time.
Aquamarine: Drawing aquamarine indicates the possibility of travel or that you may have the chance to widen your mental and spiritual or horizons.
Aragonite - Orange: Although you may feel you have been waiting a long time you will need to persevere a little longer before finding unexpected help.
Aragonite - Yellow: Even though your life and/or relationships do not seem very exciting, they in fact contain the seeds of true happiness that will unfold over time.
Aventurine - Blue: Blue aventurine is not used in divination.
Aventurine - Green: Drawing it means that it's an excellent time to take a chance whether on a personal or financial level.
Aventurine - Red: Those around you are being somewhat extreme and you may need to bring them back to reality.Who
Azurite: For guidance you should listen to your dreams and trust your inner wisdom. You may soon be ready to help others with your psychic and healing powers.
Bloodstone: You may need to help someone you know who is vulnerable at this time. Stand up for their rights.
Bowenite: Sometimes it is necessary to let people make their mistakes.
Calcite - Blue: You may need to hold your tongue in order to keep the peace with intolerant people - but only for the time being.
Calcite - Green: Although you may feel that you are giving more than your fair share, that will change.
Calcite - Orange: Now may be the time to resubmit ideas that were previously rejected. Attitudes have softened.
Calcite - Pink: You are more vulnerable than you or others may think. Do not be afraid to ask for support.
Calcite - Yellow: Yellow calcite indicates the need for patience.
Carnelian: Do not underestimate yourself - this is a good time for action.
Cavansite: Cavansite is not used for divination.
Celestine - Blue: Do not fill your mind with worries about what might happen in the future, as this will prevent you from enjoying the present.
Celestine - Orange: Don't be afraid to go up a gear in putting your plans into action.
Celestite - Blue: Do not fill your mind with worries about what might happen in the future, as this will prevent you from enjoying the present.
Celestite - Orange : Don't be afraid to go up a gear in putting your plans into action.
Chalcedony - Blue: Do not bottle up your emotions. Make sure you explain the difficulties you're having.
Chalcedony - Pink: Your secret fears are unfounded. Talk to a trusted friend about them to reduce the hold they have over you.
Charoite: This is a time to give rather than receive. Your generosity will make a big difference to the recipient.
Chiastolite: This is a time to make sure that you take care of yourself and to not do anything rash.
Chondrite: Chondrite is not used for divination.
Chrysoberyl - Yellow: Yellow chrysoberyl is not used for divination.
Chrysocolla: Now is a good time to take a break, especially from anything you no longer enjoy.
Chrysoprase: It might be that avenues you have considered closed to you are in fact now open.
Citrine: You should try new activities and visit new places. You should also try to develop any creative talents you have.
Copper: Whatever it is in life that you feel you need will see a gentle increase.
Coral - Blue: Now is a time to go with the flow, and you will find if you do that something you wanted will become yours sooner than you think.
Danburite: You should realize that few things happen by accident. There is always a reason.
Desert Rose: You should listen to your inner voice and make doubly sure before making any concrete decisions.
Diamond: Diamond is not used in crystal divination.
Diopside: Diopside is not used for divination.
Dioptase: You are only human and can only do so much. You need to forgive yourself and move on. Let go of the past.
Emerald: Emerald is not used in divination.
Falcon's Eye: You should aim high in all walks of life. You have the power to attain true fulfillment.
Fluorite - Clear: Things will soon become very clear to you.
Fluorite - Green: Postpone any decisions for a while and spend some time alone (or with close family/friends) until your spiritual energy is recharged.
Fluorite - Purple: You may wish to consider undergoing training to improve your natural healing abilities.
Fuchsite: You are entering a time when you can develop your healing or psychic powers.
Garnet - Green: Even if your desire to fulfil a dream can't be achieved just yet they should not be forgotten.
Garnet - Red: You should avoid anyone who is critical or discouraging.
Goldstone - Blue: You may get a chance to show off your hidden talents to an appreciative audience.
Goldstone - Brown: You may be more successful than you hoped or thought possible.
Hawk's Eye: You should aim high in all walks of life. You have the power to attain true fulfillment.
Heliotrope: You may need to help someone you know who is vulnerable at this time. Stand up for their rights.
Hematite: Start afresh and avoid making the same old mistakes.
Howlite - Blue: Take new opportunities presented to you, even if you do not feel you are sufficiently experienced or qualified. Your strengths and talents are greater than you think.
Howlite - Natural: Spend time at home and/or with people you trust.
Iolite: If you are finding someone difficult to warm to, try a new approach.
Iron Pyrites: An increase in prosperity is coming soon and is the result of the work that you have done in the past.
Jade: Be compassionate to those who are being difficult.
Jadeite: Be compassionate to those who are being difficult.
Jasper - Brachiated: Don't be afraid to meet problems head on.
Jasper - Brown: Be confident in your ability to solve problems that come your way.
Jasper - Dalmatian: Anything to do with animals has a favorable aspect. You may also fiend loyalty from an unexpected source.
Jasper - Green: New energies will be coming into your life.
Jasper - Leopardskin: You will be undergoing an emotional rebirth. It is time to take practical steps towards the tomorrow you want.
Jasper - Orbicular: You should look for the hidden meaning behind any offers coming your way.
Jasper - Red: Tackle anything that comes your way head on but without being aggressive.
Jasper - Sea: You should look for the hidden meaning behind any offers coming your way.
Jet: Let go of past sorrows and move on. Protect yourself from energy vampires.
Kunzite: Drawing kunzite means you should go with the flow.
Kyanite: Kyanite is not used in crystal divination.
Labradorite: This is a very good time to go it alone whether this is on a personal or business footing.
Lapis Lazuli: Do not be tempted to compromise your standards - stick to your principles.
Lepidolite: Don't be swayed by the "drama queens" of society. They are attention seekers and are unlikely to really be crying for help.
Malachite - Green: This is a time for tough love. Follow your heart and do not be swayed by sentiment.
Meteorite: Meteorite is not used for divination.
Moldavite: Don't worry if you feel out of step with the world. You have your own unique gifts that can be developed when you follow your own path.
Mookaite: You should welcome any unexpected changes.
Moonstone: Trust your intuition and listen to your dreams. Beware of someone hiding things from you and do not be tempted to take the easiest path.
Moonstone - Rainbow: It might be a good idea to try some new methods of divination. Interpret your dreams.
Mother-Of-Pearl: Don't believe what you hear from a third party and keep your own counsel.
Nephrite: Be compassionate to those who are being difficult. Things may be harder for them than you think.
Obsidian - Black: Do not be afraid to use your power and change the status quo.
Obsidian - Snowflake: Now is a time of new beginnings and hope no matter what the setbacks have been.
Olivine: Olivine indicates that love, luck and money are going to take an upswing.
Onyx - Black: Indicates the need to bring tardy matters to a close.
Opal - Fire: Fire opal is not used for divination.
Opal - White: White opal is not used in divination.
Pearl - Black: Excessive paperwork may be the price you pay for getting what you want.
Pearl - White: White pearl is not used in divination.
Peridot: Peridot indicates that love, luck and money are going to take an upswing.
Petrified Wood: Look to traditional sources of wisdom for answers. You may become more interested in spirituality and all its aspects.
Pietersite: Don't be afraid to leave the safe and predictable and aim for the sky.
Prehnite: You should express your negative feelings in a non-confrontational way.
Quartz - Blue: You should explore your psychic and spiritual powers.
Quartz - Clear: It is time to be optimistic and plan a new beginning.
Quartz - Rainbow: Rainbow quartz is a wish crystal. Happiness and money are on their way.
Quartz - Rose: Rose quartz is the peacemaker and indicates that this is a role you may have to play. Treat both sides with kindness.
Quartz - Rutilated: Drawing rutilated quartz indicates you should believe in your own abilities and look for hidden benefits in any situation.
Quartz - Smoky: There is light at the end of the tunnel - hang in there.
Quartz - Tourmalated: Say what you really think and feel and not what you think is expected of you.
Rhodocrosite: Rhodocrosite indicates that you should not settle for second best where love is concerned. Fight for what you want if necessary as that will bring you greater happiness.
Rhodonite: Drawing rhodonite indicates that you should let go of the past. Your peace of mind is more important than pleasing others who will never consider what you do to be good enough.
Rhyolite: You will be undergoing an emotional rebirth. It is time to take practical steps towards the tomorrow you want.
Ruby: Ruby is not used in divination.
Sapphire - White: Sapphire is not used for divination.
Sardonyx: You may have to negotiate to get what you want.
Schalenblende: Schalenblende is not used in divination.
Selenite - White: You should realize that the past cannot be changed.
Serpentine: It may be time to shed your old skin and move on to a new beginning.
Sodalite: Think before you speak.
Spectrolite: This is a very good time to go it alone whether this is on a personal or business footing.
Staurolite: Staurolite is not used for divination.
Sunstone: Be optimistic - things will turn out well.
Tanzanite: Tanzanite is not used for divination purposes.
Tektite: This may well be a time of spiritual change.
Tiger Eye - Blue: You should aim high in all walks of life. You have the power to attain true fulfillment.
Tiger Eye - Brown/Gold: More happiness, health and money is on its way.
Tiger Eye - Red: You are in for a wonderful time.
Topaz - Blue: Blue topaz is not used for divination.
Topaz - Golden: Golden topaz is not used for divination.
Tourmaline - Black: You need to gather your thoughts and become more focused on the job at hand.
Tourmaline - Watermelon: You must make sure that you take a little time each day to do something that makes you happy.
Tsavorite: Even if your desire to fulfil a dream can't be achieved just yet they should not be forgotten.
Turquoise: You may have to take on the role of arbitrator or speak out about something you have strong feelings about.
Unakite: Any partnership you are in is likely to take an upswing.
Uvarovite: Even if your desire to fulfil a dream can't be achieved just yet they should not be forgotten.
Verdite: Listen to older and wiser family members for guidance.
Zinc: Zinc is not used in divination.